NEW YORK (AP) - Taco Bell
is turning to TV commercials to battle
damage to its image from a lawsuit questioning its taco filling.
The fast-food chain has been on the defensive since it was
pushed into the media spotlight by a lawsuit that claimed the
restaurant's seasoned beef filling did not have enough beef to be
billed as such. Taco Bell has repeatedly said the claim is false.
The new $3 million television ad campaign comes the week that
Taco Bell is due to respond to the lawsuit in U.S. District Court
in California.
Taco Bell initially fought back with full-page ads last month in
national newspapers. The print ads made a splash with the headline
"Thank you for suing us."
The company also launched a social media campaign, urging
Twitter users to voice their support. And earlier this month Taco
Bell offered Facebook fans a free crunchy beef taco to thank them
for their loyalty.
Taco Bell said it planned the TV campaign after company studies
showed the previous campaigns reached only about half the
"You want everybody to hear it," Taco Bell Chief Marketing
Officer David Ovans said. "You have to go to a mass-market,
broadcast approach to get the story straight."
The Alabama law firm that filed the lawsuit last month in
California has said its testing showed the filling was made of only
35 percent beef and therefore couldn't be called "beef."
The Beasley Allen law firm of Montgomery, Ala. had no comment on
In the television commercials, Taco Bell employees talk about
the filling and direct customers who want to know more about what's
in it to the company's Web site.
The commercials don't mention the lawsuit, but emphasize the
company's message that the filling is 88 percent beef and 12
percent "signature recipe" consisting of seasonings and other
ingredients. They also promote a weeklong deal for an 88-cent
Crunchwrap Supreme, which regularly costs $2.39.
The commercials will run on network and basic cable TV,
including sports and news shows.
DePaul University communications Professor Joe Marconi said the
new ads are unlikely to have much impact, because customers who
enjoy Taco Bell will probably continue to go, while those who don't
normally eat there still won't.
The ads risk putting renewed attention on the concerns about the
filling, Marconi said.
Laura Ries, president of Ries & Ries, said Taco Bell should
taking a more grass-roots approach, including creating a video
showing how the meat is made.
"This is a problem that is very difficult to solve with words
alone," she said. "It needs pictures."
Marconi suggested Taco Bell post the ingredients at its
Taco Bell said its TV ad campaign involves about 20 percent more
commercials than it would run to introduce a new menu item.
Taco Bell is owned by Yum Brands, based in Louisville, Ky. Yum
said when it released its earnings earlier this month that the
lawsuit has had a "negative short-term impact."
Taco Bell has faced other public-relations concerns in the past,
including a 2006 E. coli outbreak that sickened at least 70 people
and a rat infestation in a New York City KFC/Taco Bell restaurant
filmed by a TV news camera in February 2007.
Taco Bell says it serves more than 36.8 million customers a week
in almost 5,600 U.S. Restaurants.
damage to its image from a lawsuit questioning its taco filling.
The fast-food chain has been on the defensive since it was
pushed into the media spotlight by a lawsuit that claimed the
restaurant's seasoned beef filling did not have enough beef to be
billed as such. Taco Bell has repeatedly said the claim is false.
The new $3 million television ad campaign comes the week that
Taco Bell is due to respond to the lawsuit in U.S. District Court
in California.
Taco Bell initially fought back with full-page ads last month in
national newspapers. The print ads made a splash with the headline
"Thank you for suing us."
The company also launched a social media campaign, urging
Twitter users to voice their support. And earlier this month Taco
Bell offered Facebook fans a free crunchy beef taco to thank them
for their loyalty.
Taco Bell said it planned the TV campaign after company studies
showed the previous campaigns reached only about half the
"You want everybody to hear it," Taco Bell Chief Marketing
Officer David Ovans said. "You have to go to a mass-market,
broadcast approach to get the story straight."
The Alabama law firm that filed the lawsuit last month in
California has said its testing showed the filling was made of only
35 percent beef and therefore couldn't be called "beef."
The Beasley Allen law firm of Montgomery, Ala. had no comment on
In the television commercials, Taco Bell employees talk about
the filling and direct customers who want to know more about what's
in it to the company's Web site.
The commercials don't mention the lawsuit, but emphasize the
company's message that the filling is 88 percent beef and 12
percent "signature recipe" consisting of seasonings and other
ingredients. They also promote a weeklong deal for an 88-cent
Crunchwrap Supreme, which regularly costs $2.39.
The commercials will run on network and basic cable TV,
including sports and news shows.
DePaul University communications Professor Joe Marconi said the
new ads are unlikely to have much impact, because customers who
enjoy Taco Bell will probably continue to go, while those who don't
normally eat there still won't.
The ads risk putting renewed attention on the concerns about the
filling, Marconi said.
Laura Ries, president of Ries & Ries, said Taco Bell should
taking a more grass-roots approach, including creating a video
showing how the meat is made.
"This is a problem that is very difficult to solve with words
alone," she said. "It needs pictures."
Marconi suggested Taco Bell post the ingredients at its
Taco Bell said its TV ad campaign involves about 20 percent more
commercials than it would run to introduce a new menu item.
Taco Bell is owned by Yum Brands, based in Louisville, Ky. Yum
said when it released its earnings earlier this month that the
lawsuit has had a "negative short-term impact."
Taco Bell has faced other public-relations concerns in the past,
including a 2006 E. coli outbreak that sickened at least 70 people
and a rat infestation in a New York City KFC/Taco Bell restaurant
filmed by a TV news camera in February 2007.
Taco Bell says it serves more than 36.8 million customers a week
in almost 5,600 U.S. Restaurants.