
Friday, November 2, 2007

The Taco Creed

Predating even the Nicene Creed (formulated in AD 325), the Taco Creed is one of society’s oldest creeds. First recited by Abraham while in a taco coma in a cave in the Sinai Peninsula, it is now tradition to recite this creed as a part of many formal Taco Club gatherings such as lunch, dinner, pre-dinner, breakfast, and funerals.


The Taco Creed:


“The Taco is all. The Taco is good. The Taco is one minus one for two at participating locations.”


(For you ignoramuses out there: A creed is a statement or confession of belief. It signifies a “token” by which persons of like beliefs might recognize each other.)



Jason W. said...

You mean one minus a hundredth? That's the true creed. You are obviously a taco heretic. Your meat will burn etc. Smiting!

Loren said...

The true creed? Let's see some references buddy. Did you graduate from Taco U? Do a little exegetical study on the history of the Taco Creed? Dedicate 10 years of your life to a deeper understanding of the taco and its innards? Maybe attended the 1982 Ron L Hubbard seminar on aliens and their link to the Taco?

I DON'T THINK SO. One minus a hundredth reeks of Nerdy Math University for Taco Haters.

- May your lettuce be crisp, your tomato cubes firm, and your meat spicy. ~Taco Lover 37AD